Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Organizing Your Online Life--Google Drive

I found the task of analyzing a lesson plan and delving more into the benefits of Google Drive very interesting.  This assignment allowed me to learn more about the benefits of Google Drive and the benefits of other resources such as Evernote. I found the task of creating a lesson plan around the Google Drive set-up to be quite difficult despite my familiarity with the site. Having to patiently write out steps and make sure all important information was available was a tedious experience--but ultimately one that made me learn more about a product that I thought I already knew. This process made me think about how my lesson and curriculum planning will go once I am a teacher. While I created this lesson I had to imagine that everyone was not familiar with the site at all, I could not write the lesson based off of the knowledge that I had, I had to take others into consideration.

It was also interesting to watch others present their topics. Even though we were only presenting a two page hand out, you were able to view the different teaching styles of our classmates. This made me think more about the teaching practice, and how different teachers develop their "voice" as teachers. I found that in order to make a rather "dry topic" more interesting, classmates were relating the topic to how these sites can help us as teachers and individuals. This made think about how I will do the same with "dry" content as a teacher.


  1. Ah Becky!
    I did not even think about how this assignment was one of our first glimpses into our peers teaching styles. Although we are all learning how to teach, there have been few times where we have been able to see this happen. I am always thinking about ways to make "dry" content more interesting as a math teacher. I think relating the purpose of an assignment is a great way to do so as you said. I wonder what other ways there are as well to make these topics more juicy? It seems as if there are many different ways to do so, and this makes me excited!


  2. Becky, I agree with you when you say, "to make a rather "dry topic" more interesting, classmates were relating the topic to how these sites can help us as teachers and individuals".. I would have never explored these tools but for this project. Definitely I can see how it would help us with teaching.
